Heterochronologies: a platform for correlation and research in temporal graphics
Digital Humanities Quarterly
"Chronologies perform semantic and syntactic work of embodying historically and culturally specific understandings of the boundaries and values of temporal events."
False Positivism
Real Life Magazine
"The ethics and effects of interventions depend not only on facts in themselves, but also on how facts are construed — and on what patterns of organization, existing or speculative, they are mobilized to justify."
Counter Cartography and Cooperative Acts of Refusal
Akademie Schloss Solitude
"Speculative cartography can inscribe a political imaginary on a map, so that people can envision it as a possible reality, and then orient themselves toward that reality if they choose."
All Roads Lead to Rogan
"Rather than prisoners inside of filter bubbles, we find partisans that weaponize them."
Beyond Algorithmic Reformism: Forward Engineering the Designs of Algorithmic Systems
Big Data & Society
"Calculated evaluations and critiques of algorithm logic motivate its redesign without changing the underlying problems and design requirements that it is supposed to satisfy."
AI Discourse in Policing Criticisms of Algorithms
Evental Aesthetics
"AI policy discourse operates to police which criticisms of algorithmic technologies are viewed as legitimate for legal interventions or technical reforms."
Flat Vocality: Computation and the Violence of Representation in Art
FLAT Journal
"Critical art about computation stands to learn from some of the historical failures of art curation to represent the violence of representation maintained by primitivism and colonialism."
Implicating Visualization in the Rationalization of Algorithms
Master's Thesis, Georgia Institute of Technology
Chronodes: Interactive Multi-focus Exploration of Event Sequences
ACM Transactions on Interactive Intelligent Systems
mHealth Visual Discovery Dashboard
ACM International Join Conference on Pervasive and Ubiquitous Computing
User Perceptions of Algorithms in Algorithmic Governmentality
International AAAI Conference on Web and Social Media
Exploratory Visual Analytics of Mobile Health Data: Sensemaking Challenges and Opportunities
Springer Mobile Health
Timestitch: Interactive Multi-Focus Cohort Discovery and Comparison
IEEE Visual Analytics Science and Technology (VAST) Conference
Interactive Visualization of Netflow Traffic
IEEE Intelligence and Security Informatics (EISIC) Conference
Visualizing Multi-Agent Systems
IEEE/WIC/ACM International Conference on Web Intelligence